Arrival and Dismissal


  • Students walk to classes independently. No parents are allowed to walk students to class.

  • The earliest time the students can be on campus is 8:50 am. This is when supervision will start.

  • Students should enter through door “A”. NO STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO PLAY ON THE PLAYGROUND OR GRASS AREA BEFORE SCHOOL! There is no supervision at this time!

Car Riders

  • AM drop off is at the BACK of the building (Chesapeake to Linden.) Cars must remain in the drop off lane and proceed around to the back doors.

  • Only unload on the curbside. This may require you to have your student sit in the back seat, rather than the front passenger seat. After your student is safely on the sidewalk, please proceed to the exit so that we may keep the drop off line moving.

  • Parents are not allowed to drop student off on the streets surrounding Freedom. This is not safe. There are signs posted that say “No Parking.” These areas are not for student drop off.  Student must be dropped off in the proper area at the back of the school. 

  • If you are not here before the tardy bell at 9:05, AN ADULT IS REQUIRED TO COME INTO THE BUILDING AND SIGN STUDENTS IN!- (Per page 42 in parent’s handbook.)


  • Always use the crossing guard when crossing the street.

  • Only cross the front drive when instructed by the staff member on duty. This can be very dangerous so please pay attention.

  • When walking to the door to enter the school, always walk inside the yellow line.

  • Enter through door A (Main Doors)

  • All bike riders must walk their bikes on the sidewalk and park them in the bike rack.


Car Riders

  • Safety is the biggest concern. We have consulted with the Plainfield police about the safest procedure for dismissal.

  • All car dismissal will be simultaneous and NO cars will be dismissed until all students are loaded.

  • We will form three lines in front of the building. The lane closest to the curb is for Kindergarten students only. (Please have your sign visible.)

  • Do not park in the crosswalk area.

  • Cars in front of crosswalk are dismissed first.

  • If cars are late for pick-up we will have those students wait near the front entrance (Door A) until 3:55 p.m. After that time, students will be brought to the office to wait. The student will need to be signed out in the office after 3:55 p.m.



  • Walkers exit out door A 

  • Cross at the crosswalk through traffic.

  • Always cross streets at the corners with crossing guards.

  • Bike riders must walk their bikes on the sidewalk.


  • Students are completely loaded on buses before any bus will leave.

  • Per page 48 of the Parent Handbook, students must ride their assigned bus and get off at assigned stops. This is to ensure that we know where students are in the event of an emergency with the buses. Transportation will then be able to contact the proper parents.